Curious about Christianity?

Is there

Am I

Is there forgiveness?

What happens when I die?

If you're thinking through life's big questions,
here are some things you could do:


Read the Bible.

We recommend you start with Markan account of Jesus' life and read in the NIVUK (the New International Version). To read further download 'the bible app' on your device. This app has the bible in lots of other languages as well if that is of help. 

If Technology defeats you, visit

Ask Questions.

The writer of the Narnia stories, C.S. Lewis said: 'Christianity is either of the utmost importance, or it is of no importance at all. The one thing it is not is moderately important.' 

Don't be apathetic, wrestle this through. We think Christianity stands up to scrutiny. ​

The 'Christianity Explored' website is a great place to start. They ask tough questions and look at real life stories on the difference Jesus makes now in ordinary lives. Or just get in touch, we'd love to help.

Join a course.

We run regular Life Explored and Christianity Explored courses. For more details please get in touch.

We’d love to chat with you more about your exploration of Christianity. Let us know the best way to connect with you below.