Term Time Sundays 9-10am

WHAT - We love to help each other keep going and growing as followers of Jesus, so we run Head, Heart, Hands before the service. It’s a bit like an ‘Adult Sunday School’ and has a seminar feel. We gather over coffee and pastries to dive deeper into big truths about God and what it means to live for him.

WHEN - Head, Heart, Hands runs about 50% of the year, leaving space in the church diary for church meals (which normally include Lord’s Supper) & annual holiday rhythms. (see calendar for exact dates).

WHY - We want to know God and His will for us more and more. But, as important as it is, we don’t want to just gather ‘head’ knowledge, we want God’s word to shape our deepest desires (our ‘heart’) and how we live (our ‘hands’).

FAMILIES - While the adults are in Head, Heart, Hands, there’s also provision for youth and children that complements what happens for them during the main service. As well as some supervised free time with their peers, there are short groups for under 9s and a bible study for 10+’s.